After spending the past two and a half years as the Region Executive Coordinator and Chief of Staff to Region Executive Jill Orton, Krsytal Steward is currently transitioning into the Executive Director position for the Southeast Nebraska Chapter of the Red Cross. We are excited to further introduce you to Krystal.
Q: Could you explain what your title means and take us through your work day, or what projects you work on?
A: Previously, I served as the Executive Coordinator/Chief of Staff to our CEO and Region Executive Jill Orton. This is a multi-faceted position. First and foremost, I supported Jill in all things. I worked closely with the Omaha-Council Bluffs Board of Directors in committee work, board giving campaign and board recruitment. One of the best parts is working in the community cultivating and expanding relationships within the community. Starting August 1, I moved into the role as Executive Director of the Southeast Nebraska Chapter.

Q: How long have you been with the Red Cross? Is this your first position with the Red Cross? If not, what was it?
A: I have been serving the Red Cross for almost three years.
Q: What do you like about your work?
A: The people, working in the community and spreading the mission of the Red Cross.
Q: What do you like to listen to during the work day?
A: Depends on the day. I enjoy a good true crime podcast.
Q: In what part of the region are you located, and what do you enjoy about your community?
A: I am in Omaha, but will be packing up and heading west to Lincoln.
Q: How do you spend your time when you aren’t working?
A: No one would believe this, but I enjoy sewing projects, especially during winter. During summer months I hit as many concerts as possible. I have a concert bucket list. Otherwise, spending time with my friends and family.
Q: What has most surprised you while working for the Red Cross?
A: The generosity of our volunteer workforce! We could not accomplish the mission of the Red Cross without them.
Q: What is a Red Cross moment that sticks with you?
A: One moment is tough, there are many. Sound the Alarm holds a special place in my heart. Fire prevention and preparedness are a big part of my Red Cross story.